fashion food,
Primi piatti
Fashion Food - Vellutata di zucca e mele aromatizzata di zenzero
Una vellutata inspirata ad una fashion blogger molto simpatica. Il colore autunnale della vellutata richiama perfettamente il outfit di Franceska.
500 gr. di zucca gialla
2 mele
1 patata
1 scalogno
un radice di zenzero
sale e pepe nero
olio d'oliva
brodo vegetale
yogurt greco q.b
rametti di rosmarino
Pulite mele e zucca e metterli su una teglia. Cospargere di sale, pepe nero e olio d'oliva. Aggiungete anche i rametti di rosmarino e infornate a 200°C fin quando sono pronte.
Nel fra tempo fate rosolare cipolla tritata, patate e zenzero. Aggiungete il brodo e fate cuocere per un po. Quando sono pronte la zucca con le mele aggiungetele anche queste nel brodo. Fate cuocere ancora per un po a frullate finchè ottenete una crema. Regolate di sale e pepe nero e servite con yogurt greco.
Buon appetito :)
Clean apples and pumpkin and place them on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt, black pepper and olive oil. Also add the sprigs of rosemary and bake at 200 ° C until they are ready.
In between time, fry chopped onion, potato and ginger. Add the stock and cook for a while. Once cooked pumpkin with apples add them these in stock. Cook for a while to blend until you get creamy. Season with salt and black pepper and served with greek yogurt.
Enjoy your meal
Fashion Food inspired by Françeska Coniku – Velouté of pumpkin and apple flavored with ginger
A velvet soup inspired by a very nice fashion blogger . The color of the velvety autumnal soup recalls perfectly the outfits of Françeska.
500 gr. yellow squash
2 apples
1 potato
1 shallot
a ginger root
salt and black pepper
olive oil
vegetable broth
greek yogurt q.b
sprigs of rosemary
500 gr. yellow squash
2 apples
1 potato
1 shallot
a ginger root
salt and black pepper
olive oil
vegetable broth
greek yogurt q.b
sprigs of rosemary
Clean apples and pumpkin and place them on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt, black pepper and olive oil. Also add the sprigs of rosemary and bake at 200 ° C until they are ready.
In between time, fry chopped onion, potato and ginger. Add the stock and cook for a while. Once cooked pumpkin with apples add them these in stock. Cook for a while to blend until you get creamy. Season with salt and black pepper and served with greek yogurt.
Enjoy your meal
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